Naujos prekės

Zoo Med Calcium without D3
  • Nauja

Zoo Med Calcium without D3

Kaina 9,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 18 vnt.

Dažnai nykštukinių voverinių skraiduolių vaisių ir daržovių racione yra daugiau fosforo lyginant su kalciu. Didelis fosforo kiekis iš augintinių kaulų “ištraukia” kalcį, todėl gyvūnų kaulai tampa trapūs.

Taip pat, kalcio trūkumas gali pakenkti ir net sukelti užpakalinių kojų paralyžių. Kad taip nenutiktų į nykštukinių voverinių skraiduolių maisto racioną reikia įtraukti ir papildomo kalcio šaltinių, mūsų siūlymu - “Zoo Med Calcium” miltelius.

Zoo Med Calcium with D3
  • Nauja

Zoo Med Calcium with D3

Kaina 9,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 5 vnt.

Dažnai nykštukinių voverinių skraiduolių vaisių ir daržovių racione yra daugiau fosforo lyginant su kalciu. Didelis fosforo kiekis iš augintinių kaulų “ištraukia” kalcį, todėl gyvūnų kaulai tampa trapūs.

Taip pat, kalcio trūkumas gali pakenkti ir net sukelti užpakalinių kojų paralyžių. Kad taip nenutiktų į nykštukinių voverinių skraiduolių maisto racioną reikia įtraukti ir papildomo kalcio šaltinių, mūsų siūlymu - “Glider-Cal” miltelius.

Sweet Potato Treat
  • Nauja

Sweet Potato Treat

Kaina 1,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 4 vnt.

Critter Selects Sweet Potato treats are sourced from local farms, where they are freshly harvested, washed, diced, and then dehydrated to create a crunchy and flavorful supplemental food for your critter. This irresistible snack not only satisfies your pet's natural chewing instinct but also provides a rich source of antioxidants. It is ideal for chinchillas, guinea pigs, rabbits, prairie dogs, rats, and other small animals.

Herptivite multivitamin
  • Nauja

Herptivite multivitamin

Kaina 26,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 4 vnt.

Rep-Cal's Herptivite with Beta Carotene is a revolutionary reptile vitamin that does not contain Vitamin A. It is specially formulated for reptiles and amphibians, using Beta Carotene instead. Beta Carotene is an antioxidant that is converted into Vitamin A in a regulated manner, eliminating the risk of Vitamin A toxicity. Rep-Cal's Herptivite with Beta Carotene contains all-natural ingredients sourced from sea vegetation, which aid in reptile growth, reproduction, and maintaining good health.

Ultrafine calcium (su...
  • Nauja

Ultrafine calcium (su vitaminu D-3)

Kaina 26,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 3 vnt.

Rep-Cal Ultrafine Powder is a highly beneficial calcium source designed for reptiles and amphibians. It is scientifically crafted using 100% natural Oyster shell phosphorus-free calcium carbonate, enriched with Vitamin D3 to support optimal calcium absorption.

This product serves as an outstanding calcium supplement for all types of reptiles and amphibians. It is free from any added starch, sugar, soy, preservatives, artificial coloring, flavoring, or fragrance. Rest assured, it is proudly made in the USA, ensuring high quality and adherence to rigorous standards

Chinchilla Booster...
  • Nauja

Chinchilla Booster (Multivitamin)

Kaina 13,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 2 vnt.

Chinchilla Booster is designed to ensure that your chinchilla receives the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive. Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Incorporating vitamin supplements can help address any potential nutritional gaps. If at least 75% of your chinchilla's diet consists of Chinchilla Diet with Rose Hips, additional supplements may be optional as the pellet diet already contains added vitamins and nutrients.

Sandy Trimmer Strips
  • Nauja

Sandy Trimmer Strips

Kaina 7,45 €
Turimas kiekis: 5 vnt.

Introducing Sandy Trimmer Strips, a convenient nail trimming tool for small animals that can be applied to any solid surface. These strips allow your pet to naturally trim their nails while running on their exercise wheel, making nail maintenance a breeze! The natural mineral abrasive strips are safe and can be directly applied to any solid surface exercise wheel or other cage accessory.

Treadmill Wheel
  • Nauja

Treadmill Wheel

Kaina 96,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 2 vnt.

Treadmill Wheel is the ultimate exercise wheel designed for your furry friends. It is constructed with durable metal and specifically made for chewing animals such as chinchillas, prairie dogs, degus, squirrels, and rats. This metal wheel is chew-proof and features a non-toxic powder-coated finish, ensuring sturdiness and safety for your pets.

Yum Balls! Rodent Munchies
  • Nauja

Yum Balls! Rodent Munchies

Kaina 8,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 4 vnt.

Introducing NEW Yum Balls! Rodent Munchies, a nutritious treat option designed for squirrels, chinchillas, rats, hamsters, and other small rodents. Your pet will absolutely adore these crunchy and easy-to-serve balls! Not only do they offer a delightful snacking experience, but they also provide a healthy source of protein, satisfying your pet's natural foraging instincts.

Rodent Blocks
  • Nauja

Rodent Blocks

Kaina 2,49 €
Turimas kiekis: 2 vnt.

Rodent Blocks are carefully formulated to supply the necessary nutrients for the growth and maintenance of various rodents, including rats, mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs. They are also an excellent choice for providing optimal nutrition to pet squirrels and degus. These blocks offer a nutritionally complete and balanced diet for your furry friends.

Timothy Pellets
  • Nauja

Timothy Pellets

Kaina 3,09 €
Turimas kiekis: 4 vnt.

Timothy granulės, pagamintos iš saulėje džiovintos Timotėjaus žolės (lot. – Phleum pratense), yra visiškai subalansuotas granulių racionas. Timothy granules rekomenduoja JAV veterinarai siekiant išvengti nutukimo, dėl granulėse esančių skaidulinių medžiagų ir mažesnio baltymų kiekio.

Pepper Nest Pouch
  • Nauja

Pepper Nest Pouch

Kaina 17,49 €
Turimas kiekis: 4 vnt.

Pepper Nest Pouch from the Hangouts collection is made with double-layered polar fleece material with pet-safe hidden seams to prevent nail snagging*. Provide the comfiest and coziest nest pouch for your pet! Ideal for sugar gliders, squirrels, marmosets, and other nesting animals.

Silent Runner Wheel 12"...
  • Nauja

Silent Runner Wheel 12" (platus)

Kaina 45,95 €
Turimas kiekis: 2 vnt.

Silent Runner Wheel 12 " - tai vienas novatariškiausių bėgimo ratelių rinkoje, tinkančių nykštukinėm voverinėm skraiduolėm. Šis tylusis bėgimo ratelis pasižymi savo ilgaamžiškumu, saugumu gyvūnėliui ir tyliu sukimosi mechanizmu.

Cage Cover
  • Nauja

Cage Cover

Kaina 34,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 1 vnt.

Cage covers provide a warm, dark, secure environment for your pet. Many animals, especially nocturnal ones, are sensitive to light, this cover helps dim outside light to provide a dark, peaceful atmosphere. Some rooms are susceptible to drafts and sudden changes in temperature. This cover helps block drafts and keep your pet warm and cozy inside their cage.

Tilt-N-Treat Dispenser
  • Nauja

Tilt-N-Treat Dispenser

Kaina 11,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 5 vnt.

<p>Tilt-N-Treat Dispenser is an interactive treat-dispensing toy for your pets that will keep them mentally and physically stimulated! With a shiny mirrored backing to attract your pets, they will love seeing their reflection as they move the rocking dispenser for the treats to fall out. The dispenser is clear so pets will be intrigued by the treats inside, and learn to activate it by moving it back and forth. Provides hours of a delicious treat!</p>

Calming Glove
  • Nauja

Calming Glove

Kaina 17,99 €
Turimas kiekis: 6 vnt.

Calming Glove is a great tool to use for all small animals. Whether you are hand-feeding a baby, or trying to snip your pet's nails, or simply wanting to handle your fur friend without getting scratched/bit - this glove will help! Pets can become quite frightened when a large unknown object (your hand) is reaching into their territory, but this smooth, soft glove will help calm their fears. They will also be much more comfortable being picked up by a fuzzy cloth rather than grasped in a hand. Sugar Gliders bond with their owners through scent, sound and touch - so handling your pet with this Calming Glove will help enhance that overall experience. Keeping your pet comfortable during the bonding experience is key and will eliminate some of the fear that comes along with being handled.

Economy Carry Pouch
  • Nauja

Economy Carry Pouch

Kaina 17,49 €
Turimas kiekis: 5 vnt.

Economy Carry Pouch can hang inside the cage or clip directly onto the adjustable carry strap. Made with soft polar fleece material, this provides a comfortable and convenient way for pets to bond with their owner all day while out of the cage! Ideal for sugar gliders, squirrels, marmosets, and other nesting animals.