Yra 8 prekių(-ės)
Stainless Steel Cup
Nerūdijančio plieno maisto indelis tvirtinamas prie narvo šono.
Coconut Cup with Perch
Tikra egzotinė naujiena tai natūralaus kokoso taurė maistui, laipiojimui ir augintinio džiaugsmui! Šis produktas ypač patogus tuo, kad jis tvirtinasi prie narvo šono. Tai tikrai sumažina paliekamą maisto netvarką po skraiduolių vakarienės. Kokoso taurė sukuria aplinką, lyg skraiduoliai būtų natūralioje erdvėje, kurioje gali tiesiai iš kokoso kevalo pasiekti maistą.
Tilt-N-Treat Dispenser
<p>Tilt-N-Treat Dispenser is an interactive treat-dispensing toy for your pets that will keep them mentally and physically stimulated! With a shiny mirrored backing to attract your pets, they will love seeing their reflection as they move the rocking dispenser for the treats to fall out. The dispenser is clear so pets will be intrigued by the treats inside, and learn to activate it by moving it back and forth. Provides hours of entertainment...plus a delicious treat!</p>
Calming Glove
Calming Glove is a great tool to use for all small animals. Whether you are hand-feeding a baby, or trying to snip your pet's nails, or simply wanting to handle your fur friend without getting scratched/bit - this glove will help! Pets can become quite frightened when a large unknown object (your hand) is reaching into their territory, but this smooth, soft glove will help calm their fears. They will also be much more comfortable being picked up by a fuzzy cloth rather than grasped in a hand. Sugar Gliders bond with their owners through scent, sound and touch - so handling your pet with this Calming Glove will help enhance that overall experience. Keeping your pet comfortable during the bonding experience is key and will eliminate some of the fear that comes along with being handled.
ZooPro Pet Carrier
Jeigu jau susidomėjote ZooPro Pet Carrier reiškia tikrai ruošiatės įsigyti nykštukinę voverinę skraiduolę arba mėgstate keliauti ir svarstote, kaip saugiai persigabenti gyvūna iš vienos vietos į kitą? Puiki ir ilgalaikė išeitis yra šis transportavimo krepšelis! Patogus ir saugus naudoti, ilgaamžis bei patvarus krepšelis tikrai pagelbės Jums visose kelionėse ir tuomet, kai reikės gyvūną pervežti iš vienos vietos į kitą!
Cage Cover
Cage covers provide a warm, dark, secure environment for your pet. Many animals, especially nocturnal ones, are sensitive to light, this cover helps dim outside light to provide a dark, peaceful atmosphere. Some rooms are susceptible to drafts and sudden changes in temperature. This cover helps block drafts and keep your pet warm and cozy inside their cage.