• New
  • Delicious honey in a straw!
  • These sticks are sturdy enough to bend in half without breaking
  • Offer alone as a snack or drizzle over food to intrigue your gliders
  • No preservatives, edible for humans & animals.

Healthy treats have several benefits for both pets and pet owners. Treats can lend variety to an otherwise monotonous diet, provide good exercise for teeth and jaws, and add behavioral enrichment for animals that spend their lives in a small, limited environment. Most importantly, treats form a connection between pets and pet owners, assisting in bonding and training.

FEEDING RECOMMENDATION: This product is a treat and should be fed sparingly, it is not a substitute for a regular, balanced diet. Offer treats 2-3 times per week or as a small portion (less than 10%) of the main diet. Treats may lead to health issues like obesity when overfed. If your pet is not consuming its regular balanced diet, withhold serving treats until stable eating habits resume. It is recommend to either hand-feed these honey sticks or drizzle onto food/treats. If straw is left in cage unsupervised, pets could chew through plastic.
